Erwin Schrödinger
Austrian Physicist
Narrated by Walter Dixon
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On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera
lens, a ray of light is subjected to a change in direction at each refracting or
reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the
two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac-
tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law
of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago.
Allow me to illustrate by two examples, first, the example of an op-
tical instrument, such as telescope, microscope, etc. The object is to obtain a
sharp image, i.e. it is desired that all rays issuing from a point should be re-
united in a point, the so-called focus. It was at first believed that
it was only geometrical-optical difficulties which prevented this: they are
indeed considerable. Later it was found that even in the best designed instruments focussing of the rays was considerably inferior than would be expected
if each ray exactly obeyed the Fermat principle independently of the neigh-
bouring rays. The light which issues from a point and is received by the
instrument is reunited behind the instrument not in a single point any more,
but is distributed over a small circular area, a so-called diffraction disc, which,
otherwise, is in most cases a circle only because the apertures and lens con-
tours are generally circular. For, the cause of the phenomenon which we call
diffraction is that not all the spherical waves issuing from the object point can
be accommodated by the instrument. The lens edges and any apertures
merely cut out a part of the wave surfaces and - if you will
permit me to use a more suggestive expression - the injured margins resist
rigid unification in a point and produce the somewhat blurred or vague
image. The degree of blurring is closely associated with the wavelength of
the light and is completely inevitable because of this deep-seated theoretical
relationship. Hardly noticed at first, it governs and restricts the performance
of the modern microscope which has mastered all other errors of repro-
duction. The images obtained of structures not much coarser or even still
finer than the wavelengths of light are only remotely or not at all similar
to the original.
A second, even simpler example is the shadow of an opaque object cast
on a screen by a small point light source. In order to construct the shape of
the shadow, each light ray must be traced and it must be established whether
or not the opaque object prevents it from reaching the screen. The margin
of the shadow is formed by those light rays which only just brush past the
edge of the body. Experience has shown that the shadow margin is not ab-
solutely sharp even with a point-shaped light source and a sharply defined
shadow-casting object. The reason for this is the same as in the first example.
The wave front is as it were bisected by the body and the traces
of this injury result in blurring of the margin of the shadow which would
be incomprehensible if the individual light rays were independent entities
advancing independently of one another without reference to their neigh-
This phenomenon - which is also called diffraction - is not as a rule very
noticeable with large bodies. But if the shadow-casting body is very small
at least in one dimension, diffraction finds expression firstly in that no proper
shadow is formed at all, and secondly - much more strikingly - in that the
small body itself becomes as it were its own source of light and radiates light
in all directions (preferentially to be sure, at small angles relative to the incident light). All of you are undoubtedly familiar with the so-called "motes
of dust" in a light beam falling into a dark room. Fine blades of grass and
spiders’ webs on the crest of a hill with the sun behind it, or the errant locks
of hair of a man standing with the sun behind often light up mysteriously
by diffracted light, and the visibility of smoke and mist is based on it. It
comes not really from the body itself, but from its immediate surroundings,
an area in which it causes considerable interference with the incident wave
fronts. It is interesting, and important for what follows, to observe that the
area of interference always and in every direction has at least the extent of
one or a few wavelengths, no matter how small the disturbing particle may
be. Once again, therefore, we observe a close relationship between the phe-
nomenon of diffraction and wavelength. This is perhaps best illustrated by
reference to another wave process, i.e. sound. Because of the much greater
wavelength, which is of the order of centimetres and metres, shadow for-
mation recedes in the case of sound, and diffraction plays a major, and prac-
tically important, part: we can easily hear a man calling from behind a high
wall or around the corner of a solid house, even if we cannot see him.
Let us return from optics to mechanics and explore the analogy to its
fullest extent. In optics the old system of mechanics corresponds to intellectually operating with isolated mutually independent light rays. The new
undulatory mechanics corresponds to the wave theory of light. What is
gained by changing from the old view to the new is that the diffraction
phenomena can be accommodated or, better expressed, what is gained is
something that is strictly analogous to the diffraction phenomena of light
and which on the whole must be very unimportant, otherwise the old view
of mechanics would not have given full satisfaction so long. It is, however,
easy to surmise that the neglected phenomenon may in some circumstances
make itself very much felt, will entirely dominate the mechanical process,
and will face the old system with insoluble riddles, if the entire mechanical
system is comparable in extent with the wavelengths of the "waves of matter" which
play the same part in mechanical processes as that played by the light waves
in optical processes.
This is the reason why in these minute systems, the atoms, the old view
was bound to fail, which though remaining intact as a close approximation
for gross mechanical processes, but is no longer adequate for the delicate
interplay in areas of the order of magnitude of one or a few wavelengths.
It was astounding to observe the manner in which all those strange addi-
tional requirements developed spontaneously from the new undulatory
view, whereas they had to be forced upon the old view to adapt them to
the inner life of the atom and to provide some explanation of the observed
Thus, the salient point of the whole matter is that the diameters of the
atoms and the wavelength of the hypothetical material waves are of approxi-
mately the same order of magnitude. And now you are bound to ask wheth-
er it must be considered mere chance that in our continued analysis of the
structure of matter we should come upon the order of magnitude of the
wavelength at this of all points, or whether this is to some extent compre-
hensible. Further, you may ask, how we know that this is so, since the
material waves are an entirely new requirement of this theory, unknown
anywhere else. Or is it simply that this is an assumption which had to be
The agreement between the orders of magnitude is no mere chance, nor
is any special assumption about it necessary; it follows automatically from
the theory in the following remarkable manner. That the heavy nucleus of
the atom is very much smaller than the atom and may therefore be consid-
ered as a point centre of attraction in the argument which follows may be
considered as experimentally established by the experiments on the scattering
of alpha rays done by Rutherford and Chadwick. Instead of the electrons we
introduce hypothetical waves, whose wavelengths are left entirely open,
because we know nothing about them yet. This leaves a letter, say a, in-
dicating a still unknown figure, in our calculation. We are, however, used
to this in such calculations and it does not prevent us from calculating that
the nucleus of the atom must produce a kind of diffraction phenomenon in
these waves, similarly as a minute dust particle does in light waves. Analo-
gously, it follows that there is a close relationship between the extent of the
area of interference with which the nucleus surrounds itself and the wave-
length, and that the two are of the same order of magnitude. What this is,
we have had to leave open; but the most important step now follows: we
identify the area of interference, the diffraction halo, with the atom; we assert that
the atom in reality is merely the diffraction phenomenon of an electron wave cap-
tured us it were by the nucleus of the atom. It is no longer a matter of chance
that the size of the atom and the wavelength are of the same order of magni-
tude: it is a matter of course. We know the numerical value of neither,
because we still have in our calculation the one unknown constant, which
we called a. There are two possible ways of determining it, which provide
a mutual check on one another. First, we can so select it that the manifesta-
tions of life of the atom, above all the spectrum lines emitted, come out
correctly quantitatively; these can after all be measured very accurately.
Secondly, we can select a in a manner such that the diffraction halo acquires
the size required for the atom. These two determinations of a (of which the
second is admittedly far more imprecise because "size of the atom" is no
clearly defined term) are in complete agreement with one another. Thirdly, and
lastly, we can remark that the constant remaining unknown, physically
speaking, does not in fact have the dimension of a length, but of an action,
i.e. energy x time. It is then an obvious step to substitute for it the numerical
value of Planck’s universal quantum of action, which is accurately known
from the laws of heat radiation. It will be seen that we return, with the full,
now considerable accuracy, to the first (most accurate) determination.
Quantitatively speaking, the theory therefore manages with a minimum
of new assumptions. It contains a single available constant, to which a
numerical value familiar from the older quantum theory must be given,
first to attribute to the diffraction halos the right size so that they can be
reasonably identified with the atoms, and secondly, to evaluate quantitative-
ly and correctly all the manifestations of life of the atom, the light radiated
by it, the ionization energy, etc.
I have tried to place before you the fundamental idea of the wave theory
of matter in the simplest possible form. I must admit now that in my desire
not to tangle the ideas from the very beginning, I have painted the lily. Not
as regards the high degree to which all sufficiently, carefully drawn conclu-
sions are confirmed by experience, but with regard to the conceptual ease
and simplicity with which the conclusions are reached. I am not speaking
here of the mathematical difficulties, which always turn out to be trivial in
the end, but of the conceptual difficulties. It is, of course, easy to say that we
turn from the concept of a curved path to a system of wave surfaces normal
to it. The wave surfaces, however, even if we consider only small parts of
them include at least a narrow bundle of possible curved paths,
to all of which they stand in the same relationship. According to the old
view, but not according to the new, one of them in each concrete individual
case is distinguished from all the others which are "only possible", as that
"really travelled". We are faced here with the full force of the logical oppo-
sition between an either - or (point mechanics) and a both - and (wave mechanics).
This would not matter much, if the old system were to be dropped entirely
and to be replaced by the new. Unfortunately, this is not the case. From the
point of view of wave mechanics, the infinite array of possible point paths
would be merely fictitious, none of them would have the prerogative over
the others of being that really travelled in an individual case. I have, how-
ever, already mentioned that we have yet really observed such individual
particle paths in some cases. The wave theory can represent this, either not
at all or only very imperfectly. We find it confoundedly difficult to interpret
the traces we see as nothing more than narrow bundles of equally possible
paths between which the wave surfaces establish cross-connections. Yet,
these cross-connections are necessary for an understanding of the diffraction
and interference phenomena which can be demonstrated for the same par-
ticle with the same plausibility - and that on a large scale, not just as a conse-
quence of the theoretical ideas about the interior of the atom, which we
mentioned earlier. Conditions are admittedly such that we can always man-
age to make do in each concrete individual case without the two different
aspects leading to different expectations as to the result of certain experi-
ments. We cannot, however, manage to make do with such old, familiar, and
seemingly indispensible terms as "real" or "only possible"; we are never in
a position to say what really is or what really happens, but we can only say
what will be observed in any concrete individual case. Will we have to be
permanently satisfied with this.. . ? On principle, yes. On principle, there is
nothing new in the postulate that in the end exact science should aim at
nothing more than the description of what can really be observed. The ques-
tion is only whether from now on we shall have to refrain from tying de-
scription to a clear hypothesis about the real nature of the world. There are
many who wish to pronounce such abdication even today. But I believe that
this means making things a little too easy for oneself.
I would define the present state of our knowledge as follows. The ray or
the particle path corresponds to a longitudinal relationship of the propagation
process (i.e. in the direction of propagation), the wave surface on the other
hand to a transversal relationship (i.e. norma1 to it). Both relationships are
without doubt real; one is proved by photographed particle paths, the other
by interference experiments. To combine both in a uniform system has
proved impossible so far. Only in extreme cases does either the transversal,
shell-shaped or the radial, longitudinal relationship predominate to such an
extent that we think we can make do with the wave theory alone or with
the particle theory alone. More information about Erwin Schrödinger from Wikipedia
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