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university press audiobooks


Ludwig van Beethoven, A selection from Beethoven's Letters

Walter Benjamin
A selection from The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Sarah Bernhardt
A selection from My Double Life: The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt

Charlotte Brontë, Biographical Notice of Ellis And Acton Bell

Enrico Caruso, A selection from The Art of Singing

Frédéric Chopin
Selected Letters of Frédéric Chopin

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, The Interpretation of Symbols

Salvador Dalí
A selection from The Secret Life of Salvador Dali

Emily Dickinson, A selection from Letters of Emily Dickinson

Paul Gauguin, A selection from Noa-Noa

Vincent van Gogh, A selection from van Gogh's Letters

Woody Guthrie, Letter from Woody Guthrie to Alan Lomax

Charles Ives, A selection from Essays Before a Sonata

Henry James, A selection from The Art of the Novel

Wassily Kandinsky, A selection from Concerning the Spiritual in Art

Leonardo da Vinci
A selection from The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

Franz Liszt, A selection from The Life of Chopin

Michelangelo, Selected Sonnets on Art & the Artist

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A selection from The Letters Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Anaïs Nin, Preface to the book, Little Birds

Pablo Picasso, A selection from Picasso Speaks

Edgar Allan Poe, The essay The Philosophy of Composition

Edgar Allan Poe, The essay Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales

Ranier Maria Rilke, A selection from Letters to a Young Poet

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
A selection from the book, Principles of Orchestration

John Ruskin, A selection from The Poetry of Architecture

George Sand
A selection from The Letters of George Sand to Gustave Flaubert

Friedrich Schiller
A selection from On the Aesthetic Education of Man

Percy Bysshe Shelley, A selection from A Defence of Poetry

Konstantin Stanislavski, A selection from My Life in Art

Gertrude Stein, A selection from Narrative

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
A selection from Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony

Mark Twain, A selection from the essay The Turning Point of My Life

Paul Valéry, A selection from The Course in Poetics

Richard Wagner, A selection from On Conducting

Oscar Wilde, Essays on Aesthetics

Virginia Woolf, A selection from A Room of One's Own

Frank Lloyd Wright
A selection from the essay, Studies and Executed Buildings

Baseball Lessons:

Cy Block, So You Want to be a Major Leaguer?

Babe Ruth, Babe Ruth's Book of Baseball

Business & Economics:

Andrew Carnegie
A selection from The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie

Dale Carnegie, The Art of Public Speaking

Charles Henry Dow
A selection from Editorials in the Wall Street Journal

Benjamin Franklin
Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One; and Rules Proper to be Observed in Trade

William Stanley Jevons, A selection from The Coal Question

John Maynard Keynes
A selection from The Economic Consequences of the Peace

Charles Mackay
A selection from the book Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Thomas Malthus
A selection from An Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society

Adam Smith, A selection from The Wealth of Nations

Thorsten Veblen, A selection from The Theory of Business Enterprise

Max Weber
A selection from The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism


Henrik Ibsen, A selection from The Doll's House

Eugene O’Neill, A selection from The Hairy Ape

August Strindberg, The Play, The Stronger

Fables & Tales:

Aesop, Aesop's Fables

Hans Christian Andersen, The Emperor's New Clothes

Hans Christian Andersen, The Red Shoes

L. Frank Baum
A story from American Fairy Tales The Wonderful Pump

Thomas Bulfinch, Cupid and Psyche

Grimm Brothers, The Golden Goose

Grimm Brothers, Rapunzel

Grimm Brothers, Tom Thumb

Grimm Brothers, Rumpelstiltskin

Grimm Brothers, Hansel and Gretel

Grimm Brothers, The Valiant Little Tailor

Beatrix Potter
A selection from The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Benjamin Bunny


Abelard and Heloise
A selection from The Letters of Peter Abelard and Heloise

Abigail Adams
A selection from The Letters of Abigail Adams to John Adams

Samuel Adams, The essay On The Boston Massacre

John Adams, Selected Letters of John Adams to Abigail Adams

Jane Addams, A selection from Twenty Years at Hull House

Susan B. Anthony, A selection from The Trial of Susan B. Anthony

Mary Antin, A selection from the book, The Promised Land

Marcus Aurelius, A selection from The Meditations

Jane Austen, A Letter to Her Niece

Buffalo Bill (W.F. Cody)
A selection from An Autobiography of Buffalo Bill (Colonel W. F. Cody)

Julius Caesar, A selection from The Gallic Wars

Giacomo Casanova
A selection from the autobiography, The Story of My Life

Willa Cather, A Personal Sketch of the Prairie School House

Winston Churchill
A selection from The River War:
An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan

Carl von Clausewitz, A selection from On War

Rebecca Harding Davis, A selection from The Civil War

Frederick Douglass, A selection from My Bondage and My Freedom

W. E. B. Du Bois, A selection from The Souls of Black Folk

Mohandas Gandhi, A selection from My Experiments with Truth

Mohandas Gandhi, A selection from My Experiments with Truth

Johann Wolfgang Goethe, A selection from Autobiography

Emma Goldman, A selection from Living My Life

Ulysses S. Grant
A selection from The Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant

Lady Augusta Gregory
A selection from the book Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland

Alexander Hamilton, A selection from Federalist Paper #1

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., A selection from The Path of the Law

Julia Ward Howe
A selection from The Other Side of the Woman Question:
A Response to Francis Parkman

Thomas Jefferson, A selection from Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson

Mother Jones, A selection from The Autobiography Of Mother Jones

Helen Keller, A selection from The Story of My Life

Abraham Lincoln
A selection from his Speech at the Cooper Institute, New York February 27, 1860

Thomas Macaulay, A selection from History of England

Niccolo Machiavelli, A selection from The Prince

James Madison, A selection from the Federalist Paper Number 38

Alfred Thayer Mahan
A selection from The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

Murasaki Shikibu, A selection from The Diary of Murasaki Shikibu

Thomas Paine, A selection from The Crisis

Gifford Pinchot, A selection from The Fight for Conservation

Plutarch, A selection from The Life of Alexander

Jacob Riis, A selection from The Battle with the Slum

Eleanor Roosevelt
A selection from Women Must Learn to Play the Game as Men Do

Margaret Sanger, A selection from Woman And The New Race

Lady Sarashina, A selection from The Diary Of Lady Sarashina

George Bernard Shaw
A selection from the preface of The Heartbreak House

William Tecumseh Sherman
A selection from Memoirs of William Tecumseh Sherman

Sei Shonagon, A selection from The Pillow Book

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
A selection from Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897

Elinore Pruitt Stewart
"The Adventure of the Christmas Tree" from Letters of a Woman Homesteader

Cornelius Tacitus, A selection from The Annals

Ida Tarbel, A selection from The History of the Standard Oil Company

Alexis de Tocqueville, A selection from Democracy in America

Sojourner Truth
A selection from The Autobiography of Sojourner Truth

Frederick Jackson Turner
A selection from The Significance of the Frontier in American History

Booker T. Washington, A selection from Up from Slavery

H. G. Wells, A selection from The Human Adventure

Ida B. Wells-Barnett
A selection from Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases

Edith Wharton, A selection from Fighting France

Walt Whitman, A selection from Specimen Days

Lady Francesca Wilde
A selection from Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland

Zitkala-Sa, A selection from Impressions of an Indian Childhood

Human Sciences:

Collection AAA
A collection of samples from Today's Books on Education

Franz Boas, A selection from The Mind of Primitive Man

Émile Durkheim
A selection from The Elementary Forms of Religious Life

James Frazer, A selection from The Golden Bough

Sigmund Freud, Dreams Have a Meaning

Sigmund Freud
A selection from Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis

Zora Neale Hurston, A selection from Mules & Men

Carl Jung
A selection from the essay General Description of the Types

Alfred L. Kroeber
A selection from Handbook of the Indians of California

Kurt Lewin, A selection from A Dynamic Theory of Personality

Bronislaw Malinowski
A selection from Baloma: The Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands

George Perkins Marsh
A selection from The Earth as Modified by Human Action

Abraham Maslow, A selection from A Theory of Human Motivation

George Herbert Mead
A selection from the essay, The Objective Reality of Perspectives

Jean Piaget, A selection from The Language and Thought of the Child

Carl Rogers
A selection from Some Observations on the Organization of Personality

Edward Sapir
A selection from Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech

Ferdinand de Saussure, A selection from The Nature of Language

Georg Simmel, A selection from How Is Society Possible?

Stith Thompson, A selection from Tales of the North American Indians

Lev Vygotsky, A selection from Thought and Language


Louisa May Alcott, A selection from Hospital Sketches

Clara Barton, A selection from The History of The Red Cross

Elizabeth Blackwell
A selection from Pioneering Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

Dorothea Dix, The Memorial To The Massachusetts Legislature

Hippocrates, The Oath and Law of Hippocrates

Florence Nightingale, A selection from Notes on Nursing

Linda Richards
A selection from Reminescences of America's First Trained Nurse

Lillian D. Wald, A selection from The House on Henry Street


Edwin Abbott Abbott
The novella Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions

Louisa May Alcott, A selection from the novel Little Women

Francis Hodgson Burnett, A selection from The Secret Garden

Edgar Rice Burroughs, A selection from Tarzan of the Apes

Miguel de Cervantes, A selection from Don Quixote

Agatha Christie, A selection from The Mysterious Affair at Styles

Joseph Conrad, A selection from Heart of Darkness

James Fenimore Cooper, A selection from Last of the Mohicans

Stephen Crane, A selection from The Red Badge of Courage

Daniel Defoe
A selection from The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

John Dos Passos, A selection from Three Soldiers

Fyodor Dostoevsky, A selection from Notes from the Underground

Alexandre Dumas, A selection from The Count of Monte Cristo

George Eliot, A selection from Middlemarch

F. Scott Fitzgerald, A selection from The Beautiful and Damned

Gustave Flaubert, A selection from Madame Bovary

Knut Hamsun, A selection from Growth of the Soil

Thomas Hardy, A selection from The Return of The Native

Herman Hesse, A selection from the novel Siddartha

Aldous Huxley, A selection from Crome Yellow

Henry James, A selection from The Turn of the Screw

Sarah Orne Jewett, A selection from The Country of the Pointed Firs

Sinclair Lewis, A selection from Babbit

Jack London, A selection from The Sea Wolf

Lucy Maud Montgomery, A selection from Anne of Green Gables

Christine de Pizan
A selection from The Book Of The Duke Of True Lovers

Marcel Proust, A selection from Remembrance of Things Past

Mary Shelley, A selection from The Last Man

Upton Sinclair, A selection from The Jungle

Bram Stoker, A selection from the novel Dracula

Harriet Beecher Stowe, A selection from Uncle Tom's Cabin

Jonathan Swift, A selection from A Tale of a Tub

Jonathan Swift, A selection from Gulliver's Travels

Sigrid Undset, A selection from Jenny

Jules Verne, A selection from Journey to the Center of the Earth

Voltaire, A selection from Zadig: An Oriental History

Rebecca West, A selection from the novel The Return of the Soldier


Aristotle, A selection from Metaphysics

Saint Augustine, A selection from Confessions

A selection from On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy

Henri-Louis Bergson, A selection from Creative Evolution

Cicero, A selection from The Orator

Confucius, A selection from The Analects

René Descartes, A selection from Discourse on Method

John Dewey, A selection from Democracy And Education

Ralph Waldo Emerson, A selection from Experience

Ralph Waldo Emerson, A selection from Nature

al - Ghazali, A selection from Confessions or Deliverance from Error

G. W. F. Hegel
A selection from Introduction to The Philosophy of Art

Thomas Hobbes, A selection from The Leviathan

David Hume
A selection from An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Edmund Husserl, A selection from Ideas

William James, What Makes a Life Significant?

William James, A selection from The Varieties of Religious Experience

Immanuel Kant, A selection from Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

Yoshida Kenko, Essays of Yoshida Kenko

Soren Kierkegaard, A selection from The Expectation of Faith

Lao Tzu, A selection from the Tao Te Ching

Gottfried Leibniz
A selection from On the Ultimate Origination of Things

John Locke, A selection from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Moses Maimonides, A selection from The Guide for the Perplexed

John Stuart Mill, A selection from Autobiography

Michel de Montaigne, The essay Of Fear

Thomas More, A selection from Utopia

Friedrich Nietzsche, A selection from Beyond Good and Evil

Blaise Pascal, A selection from Pensees

Charles Sanders Peirce, A selection from How to Make our Ideas Clear

Plato, A selection from The Republic

Jean Jacques Rousseau
A selection from The Confessions of Jean-jacques Rousseau

Josiah Royce, A selection from the book The World and the Individual

Bertrand Russell, A selection from Appearance and Reality

Arthur Schopenhauer, Selections from Thinking for Oneself

Benedict de Spinoza, A selection from A Theologico-Political Treatise

D. T. Suzuki, A selection from Manual of Zen Buddhism

Rabindranath Tagore
A selection from Sadhana: The Realisation of Life

Henry David Thoreau, A selection from Walden

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Miguel de Unamuno, A selection from The Tragic Sense of Life

Evelyn Underhill
A selection from Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness

Alfred North Whitehead, A selection from The Concept of Nature

Ludwig Wittgenstein, A selection from Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Paramahansa Yogananda, A selection from Autobiography of a Yogi


Conrad Aiken, Selected Poems

Anna Akhmatova, Selected Poems

Djuna Barnes, A Book of Repulsive Women

Charles Baudelaire, A selection from Flowers of Evil

William Blake
A selection from Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience

Anne Bradstreet, Selected Poems

Emily Brontë, Selected Poems

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
A selection from Sonnets from the Portuguese

Lord Byron, A selection from Don Juan

Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark

Geoffrey Chaucer, The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

John Clare, Selected Poems

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Hart Crane, Selected Poems

Dante Alighieri, A selection from The Divine Comedy

Emily Dickinson, Selected Poems

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Selected Poems

T. S. Eliot, The Wasteland

Robert Frost, The Death of the Hired Man

Robert Graves, A selection from Fairies and Fusiliers

H. D., A selection of poems from Sea Garden

Homer, A selection from The Odyssey

Robinson Jeffers, Selected Poems

John Keats, Selected Poems

Omar Khayyam, The Rubaiyat

Emma Lazarus, Selected Sonnets

Li Qingzhao, Selected Poems

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A selection from Evangeline

Amy Lowell, Selected Poems

Edna St. Vincent Millay, Renascence and Other Poems

Marianne Moore, Selected Poems

Dorothy Parker, Selected Poems

Arthur Rimbaud, The Drunken Boat and Other Poems

Christina Rossetti, The poem Goblin Market

Rumi, Selected Poems

Vita Sackville-West, Selected Poems

Carl Sandburg, A selection from Chicago Poems

Sappho, Selected Poems

William Shakespeare, A Lover's Complaint

Wallace Stevens, Selected Poems

Allen Tate, Selected Poems

Virgil, A selection from Georgics

Phillis Wheatley, Selected Poems

Walt Whitman, When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloomed

William Carlos Williams, Selected Poems

William Wordsworth, A selection from The Prelude

Elinor Wylie, Selected Poems


Charles Babbage
A selection from Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

Francis Bacon, A selection from Novum Organum

Liberty Hyde Bailey, A selection from The Holy Earth

Niels Bohr
A selection from On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules

Nicolaus Copernicus
Dedication of the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies

Marie Curie, The Discovery of Radium

Charles Darwin, A selection from On the Origin of Species

Arthur Stanley Eddington
The Introduction to The Nature of the Physical World

Albert Einstein, A selection from Relativity

Albert Einstein, A selection from Relativity

Galileo Galilei
A selection from Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences

Edwin P. Hubble, A selection from the essay The Exploration of Space

Alexander von Humboldt
A selection from Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe

Christiaan Huygens, A selection from the book Treatise on Light

Alfred J. Lotka, Contribution to the Energetics of Evolution

Ada Lovelace
A selection from Notes by the Translator to L.F. Menabrea's
Sketch of the Analytical Engine Invented by Charles Babbage, Esq

Charles Lyell
A selection from The Student's Elements Of Geology

James Clerk Maxwell
A selection from On Faraday's Lines of Force

Isaac Newton
A selection from The Principia, or The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

Max Planck
A selection from the Nobel Lecture The Genesis and Present State of Development of the Quantum Theory

Erwin Schrödinger
A selection from The Fundamental Idea of Wave Mechanics

D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, A selection from On Growth and Form

Alan Turing, A selection from Computing Machinery and Intelligence

Alfred Russel Wallace, A selection from The Malay Archipeligo

Wright Brothers, A selection from The Wright Brothers' Airplane

Short Stories:

Collection AAA, A collection of Short Stories (authors R-Z)

Collection AAA, A collection of Short Stories (authors L-P)

Collection AAA, A collection of Short Stories (authors G-K)

Collection AAA, A collection of Short Stories (authors A-F)

Sherwood Anderson, Sophistication

Temple Bailey, The Eternal Feminine

Honoré de Balzac, Innocence

Ambrose Bierce, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
The short story A Painful Memory from Childhood

Giovanni Boccaccio, A Tale from The Decameron

Dorothy Canfield, The Poet and Scullery Maid

Anton Chekhov, The Bet

Kate Chopin, A Pair of Silk Stockings

Charles Dickens, The Battle of Life

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band

Edna Ferber, The Homely Heroine

Mary Wilkins Freeman, The Christmas Sing in Our Village

Jean Giono, The Man Who Planted Trees

Ellen Glasgow, A Point in Morals

Susan Glaspell, At Twilight

Maxim Gorky, Her Lover

Bret Harte, Outcasts of Poker Flat

Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Vision of the Fountain

Lafcadio Hearn, A Story of Divination

O. Henry, The Last Leaf

Victor Hugo, Love in Prison

W. W. Jacobs, The Monkey’s Paw

James Joyce, Eveline

Franz Kafka, A Hunger Artist

Rudyard Kipling, My Own True Ghost Story

Heinrich von Kleist, The Beggar Woman of Locarno

Selma Lagerlöf, His Mother's Portrait

H. P. Lovecraft, The Music of Erich Zann

Lu Xun, My Old Home

Thomas Mann, Loulou

Katherine Mansfield, Miss Brill

Guy de Maupassant, The Piece of String

Herman Melville, Charle's Isle and the Dog-King

Marguerite de Navarre, A Tale from The Heptameron

Luigi Pirandello, War

Edgar Allan Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart

Katherine Anne Porter, The Martyr

Alexandr Pushkin, The Shot

Benjamin Rosenblatt, Zelig

Saki (H. H. Munro), The Story-Teller

Saki (H. H. Munro), The Open Window

Olive Schreiner, The Woman's Rose

Robert Louis Stevenson, The Manse

Frank R. Stockton, The short story The Lady or the Tiger?

Leo Tolstoy, Youth

Ivan Turgenev, The District Doctor

Mark Twain, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Edith Wharton, Roman Fever

Virginia Woolf, A Haunted House

William Butler Yeats, Two Tales from Celtic Twilight


Roy Chapman Andrews, Hunting the Great Invisible

John James Audubon, A selection from Birds of America

Mary Austin, A selection from The Land of Little Rain

William Bartram
A selection from Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida,...

Henry Walter Bates
A selection from The Naturalist on the River Amazons

Isabella Bird
A selection from A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains

John Burroughs, A selection from The Spell of the Yosemite

Richard Burton, A selection from Lake Regions of Central Africa

George Catlin
A selection from Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of North American Indians

Christopher Columbus
A selection from the Journal of Christopher Columbus

Susan Fenimore Cooper, A selection from Rural Hours

Davy Crockett
A selection from Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State of Tennessee

Richard Henry Dana, Jr., A selection from Two Years Before the Mast

Margaret Fuller
A selection from At Home and Abroad; or,
Things and Thoughts in America and Europe

Zane Grey, Tales of Fishes

W.H. Hudson, A selection from The Naturalist in La Plata

Washington Irving, A selection from The Voyage

Samuel Johnson
A selection from A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland

Lewis and Clark, A selection from The Journals of Lewis And Clark

John Muir, A selection from The Mountains of California

Frederick Law Olmsted
A selection from the report Yosemite and the Mariposa Grove

Francis Parkman
A selection from The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life

Marco Polo, A selection from The Travels of Marco Polo

John Wesley Powell, A selection from The Canyons of the Colorado

Frederic Remington, A selection from the book Crooked Trails

Theodore Roosevelt, Hunting the Grisly

Theodore Roosevelt, A selection from An Autobiography

Ernest Thompson Seton
A selection from The Arctic Prairies: A Canoe Journey Of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou

Ernest Shackleton, A selection from South

John Millington Synge, A selection from In Wicklow and West Kerry

Henry David Thoreau
A selection from A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

Izaak Walton, A selection from The Compleat Angler

George Washington
A selection from Major George Washington's Journal to the River Ohio, Etc.

Mary Wollstonecraft
A selection from Letters on Sweden, Norway, And Denmark

university press audiobooks

American Rodeo From Buffalo Bill to Big Business

Climate and Culture Change in North America AD 900 to 1600

The Heart’s Truth Essays on the Art of Nursing

Pacific Time on Target Memoirs of a Marine Artillery Officer, 1943-1945

Inside the Whimsy Works My Life with Walt Disney Productions

Who is Jesus? History in Perfect Tense

Better Angels of Our Nature Freemasonry in the American Civil War

Blood on the Moon The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Wild Justice The Moral Lives of Animals

Seeing Red A Study in Consciousness

Primates and Philosophers How Morality Evolved

Battle of Surigao Strait

Trout A True Story of Murder, Teens, and the Death Penalty

On Democracy

Adventures in Paranormal Investigation

Spying in America Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Dawn of the Cold War

Meditation and Hypnosis A Chelsea House Title

Understanding Global Trade

The Jet Sex Airline Stewardesses and the Making of an American Icon

Pursuit of Truth

Out of the Woods A Birdwatcher’s Year

The USS Flier Death and Survival on a World War II Submarine

The Flat World and Education How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future

Not Quite Paradise An American Sojourn in Sri Lanka

Discourse and Defiance under Nazi Occupation Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940-1945

Violence Analysis, Intervention, and Prevention

Above the Thunder Reminiscences of a Field Artillery Pilot in World War II

Attention Deficit Disorder The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults

Performing Prose The Study and Practice of Style in Composition

The Way Hollywood Tells It Story and Style in Modern Movies

Julius Caesar A Chelsea House Title

Dolphin Mysteries Unlocking the Secrets of Communication

The Origins of the Modern World  A Global and Ecological Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century

My Father's War Fighting with the Buffalo Soldiers in World War II

The Informed Gardener

Defending the Filibuster The Soul of the Senate

Sex and the City

Warfare in Woods and Forests

No Uncle Sam The Forgotten of Bataan

Buddhism Fourth Edition

Oil in Texas The Gusher Age, 1895-1945

Benjamin Franklin

The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca


Iraq War A Chelsea House Title

With Amusement for All A History of American Popular Culture since 1830

Social Movements in the World-System The Politics of Crisis and Transformation

Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein

Identity in Democracy

Shinto The Way Home

Easter Island's Silent Sentinels The Sculpture and Architecture of Rapa Nui

The Shiloh Campaign

Envy Up, Scorn Down How Status Divides Us

Hollywood Madonna Loretta Young

Takedown Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda

Having Sex, Wanting Intimacy Why Women Settle for One-Sided Relationships

The Cosmic Blueprint New Discoveries in Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe

Sherman A Soldier's Passion for Order

High Noon in Lincoln Violence on the Western Frontier

The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry

Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Serial Innovators How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms

In Search of Divine Reality Science as a Source of Inspiration

Making Grateful Kids The Science of Building Character

Hip to the Trip A Cultural History of Route 66

Joining Africa From Anthills to Asmara

The New Counterinsurgency Era Transforming the U.S. Military for Modern Wars

The CIA in Hollywood How the Agency Shapes Film and Television

Avoiding Trivia The Role of Strategic Planning in American Foreign Policy

Chicago Death Trap The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903

Lincoln of Kentucky

The Wrong Stuff The Adventures and Misadventures of an 8th Air Force Aviator

Erotic Exchanges The World of Elite Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century Paris

Dreaming the Biosphere The Theater of All Possibilities

The Refugee Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada

Ojibwa Warrior Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement

Confederates in the Tropics Charles Swett's Travelogue of 1868

Change the Way You Lead Change Leadership Strategies that REALLY work

The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis

W. E. B. Du Bois American Prophet

Winning Your Election the Wellstone Way A Comprehensive Guide for Candidates and Campaign Workers

Texian Iliad A Military History of the Texas Revolution, 1835-1836

The Hemingway Short Story  A Study in Craft for Writers and Readers

Beat Cop to Top Cop A Tale of Three Cities

Vietnam War A Chelsea House Title

The Insistence of God A Theology of Perhaps


Narrative Structures and the Language of the Self

Twilight of the Mammoths Ice Age Extinctions and the Rewilding of America

Religion in Public Locke's Political Theology

Aesthetics   |   Baseball Lessons   |   Business & Economics   |   Drama   |   Fables & Tales   |   History/Society/Politics   |   Human Sciences   |   Medicine   |   Novels   |   Philosophy   |   Poetry   |   Science   |   Short Stories   |   Travel/Adventure   |   iTunes Categories   |   Links