John Ruskin,
A selection from The Poetry of Architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright
A selection from the essay, Studies and Executed Buildings Arts/Literature
Aesop's Fables
Conrad Aiken,
Selected Poems
Anna Akhmatova,
Selected Poems
Louisa May Alcott,
A selection from the novel Little Women
Hans Christian Andersen,
The Emperor's New Clothes
Hans Christian Andersen,
The Red Shoes
Sherwood Anderson,
Temple Bailey,
The Eternal Feminine
Honoré de Balzac,
Djuna Barnes,
A Book of Repulsive Women
Charles Baudelaire,
A selection from Flowers of Evil
L. Frank Baum
A story from American Fairy Tales The Wonderful Pump
Ambrose Bierce,
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
The short story A Painful Memory from Childhood
William Blake
A selection from Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience
Giovanni Boccaccio,
A Tale from The Decameron
Anne Bradstreet,
Selected Poems
Charlotte Brontë,
Biographical Notice of Ellis And Acton Bell
Emily Brontë,
Selected Poems
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
A selection from Sonnets from the Portuguese
Thomas Bulfinch,
Cupid and Psyche
Francis Hodgson Burnett,
A selection from The Secret Garden
Edgar Rice Burroughs,
A selection from Tarzan of the Apes
Lord Byron,
A selection from Don Juan
Dorothy Canfield,
The Poet and Scullery Maid
Lewis Carroll,
The Hunting of the Snark
Miguel de Cervantes,
A selection from Don Quixote
Geoffrey Chaucer,
The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales
Anton Chekhov,
The Bet
Kate Chopin,
A Pair of Silk Stockings
Agatha Christie,
A selection from The Mysterious Affair at Styles
John Clare,
Selected Poems
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Joseph Conrad,
A selection from Heart of Darkness
James Fenimore Cooper,
A selection from Last of the Mohicans
Susan Fenimore Cooper,
A selection from Rural Hours
Stephen Crane,
A selection from The Red Badge of Courage
Hart Crane,
Selected Poems
Dante Alighieri,
A selection from The Divine Comedy
Daniel Defoe
A selection from The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Charles Dickens,
The Battle of Life
Emily Dickinson,
A selection from Letters of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson,
Selected Poems
John Dos Passos,
A selection from Three Soldiers
Fyodor Dostoevsky,
A selection from Notes from the Underground
Arthur Conan Doyle,
The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Alexandre Dumas,
A selection from The Count of Monte Cristo
Paul Laurence Dunbar,
Selected Poems
George Eliot,
A selection from Middlemarch
T. S. Eliot,
The Wasteland
Edna Ferber,
The Homely Heroine
F. Scott Fitzgerald,
A selection from The Beautiful and Damned
Gustave Flaubert,
A selection from Madame Bovary
Mary Wilkins Freeman,
The Christmas Sing in Our Village
Robert Frost,
The Death of the Hired Man
Jean Giono,
The Man Who Planted Trees
Ellen Glasgow,
A Point in Morals
Susan Glaspell,
At Twilight
Johann Wolfgang Goethe,
A selection from Autobiography
Maxim Gorky,
Her Lover
Robert Graves,
A selection from Fairies and Fusiliers
Grimm Brothers,
The Golden Goose
Grimm Brothers,
Grimm Brothers,
Tom Thumb
Grimm Brothers,
Grimm Brothers,
Hansel and Gretel
Grimm Brothers,
The Valiant Little Tailor
H. D.,
A selection of poems from Sea Garden
Knut Hamsun,
A selection from Growth of the Soil
Thomas Hardy,
A selection from The Return of The Native
Bret Harte,
Outcasts of Poker Flat
Nathaniel Hawthorne,
The Vision of the Fountain
Lafcadio Hearn,
A Story of Divination
O. Henry,
The Last Leaf
A selection from The Odyssey
Aldous Huxley,
A selection from Crome Yellow
W. W. Jacobs,
The Monkey’s Paw
Henry James,
A selection from The Turn of the Screw
Henry James,
A selection from The Art of the Novel
Robinson Jeffers,
Selected Poems
Sarah Orne Jewett,
A selection from The Country of the Pointed Firs
James Joyce,
Franz Kafka,
A Hunger Artist
John Keats,
Selected Poems
Omar Khayyam,
The Rubaiyat
Rudyard Kipling,
My Own True Ghost Story
Heinrich von Kleist,
The Beggar Woman of Locarno
Selma Lagerlöf,
His Mother's Portrait
Emma Lazarus,
Selected Sonnets
Sinclair Lewis,
A selection from Babbit
Li Qingzhao,
Selected Poems
Jack London,
A selection from The Sea Wolf
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
A selection from Evangeline
H. P. Lovecraft,
The Music of Erich Zann
Amy Lowell,
Selected Poems
Lu Xun,
My Old Home
Thomas Mann,
Katherine Mansfield,
Miss Brill
Guy de Maupassant,
The Piece of String
Herman Melville,
Charle's Isle and the Dog-King
Edna St. Vincent Millay,
Renascence and Other Poems
Lucy Maud Montgomery,
A selection from Anne of Green Gables
Marianne Moore,
Selected Poems
Marguerite de Navarre,
A Tale from The Heptameron
Anaïs Nin,
Preface to the book, Little Birds
Dorothy Parker,
Selected Poems
Luigi Pirandello,
Christine de Pizan
A selection from The Book Of The Duke Of True Lovers
Edgar Allan Poe,
The Tell-Tale Heart
Edgar Allan Poe,
The essay The Philosophy of Composition
Edgar Allan Poe,
The essay Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales
Katherine Anne Porter,
The Martyr
Beatrix Potter
A selection from The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
Marcel Proust,
A selection from Remembrance of Things Past
Alexandr Pushkin,
The Shot
Frederic Remington,
A selection from the book Crooked Trails
Ranier Maria Rilke,
A selection from Letters to a Young Poet
Arthur Rimbaud,
The Drunken Boat and Other Poems
Benjamin Rosenblatt,
Christina Rossetti,
The poem Goblin Market
Selected Poems
Vita Sackville-West,
Selected Poems
Saki (H. H. Munro),
The Open Window
Saki (H. H. Munro),
The Story-Teller
George Sand
A selection from The Letters of George Sand to Gustave Flaubert
Carl Sandburg,
A selection from Chicago Poems
Selected Poems
Olive Schreiner,
The Woman's Rose
William Shakespeare,
A Lover's Complaint
Mary Shelley,
A selection from The Last Man
Percy Bysshe Shelley,
A selection from A Defence of Poetry
Upton Sinclair,
A selection from The Jungle
Gertrude Stein,
A selection from Narrative
Wallace Stevens,
Selected Poems
Robert Louis Stevenson,
The Manse
Frank R. Stockton,
The short story The Lady or the Tiger?
Bram Stoker,
A selection from the novel Dracula
Harriet Beecher Stowe,
A selection from Uncle Tom's Cabin
Jonathan Swift,
A selection from Gulliver's Travels
Jonathan Swift,
A selection from A Tale of a Tub
Allen Tate,
Selected Poems
Leo Tolstoy,
Ivan Turgenev,
The District Doctor
Mark Twain,
A selection from the essay The Turning Point of My Life
Mark Twain,
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Sigrid Undset,
A selection from Jenny
Paul Valéry,
A selection from The Course in Poetics
Jules Verne,
A selection from Journey to the Center of the Earth
A selection from Georgics
A selection from Zadig: An Oriental History
Rebecca West,
A selection from the novel The Return of the Soldier
Edith Wharton,
Roman Fever
Phillis Wheatley,
Selected Poems
Walt Whitman,
When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloomed
Walt Whitman,
A selection from Specimen Days
Oscar Wilde,
Essays on Aesthetics
William Carlos Williams,
Selected Poems
Virginia Woolf,
A selection from A Room of One's Own
Virginia Woolf,
A Haunted House
William Wordsworth,
A selection from The Prelude
Elinor Wylie,
Selected Poems
William Butler Yeats,
Two Tales from Celtic Twilight Arts/Performing Arts
Ludwig van Beethoven,
A selection from Beethoven's Letters
Sarah Bernhardt
A selection from My Double Life: The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt
Enrico Caruso,
A selection from The Art of Singing
Frédéric Chopin
Selected Letters of Frédéric Chopin
Woody Guthrie,
Letter from Woody Guthrie to Alan Lomax
Henrik Ibsen,
A selection from The Doll's House
Charles Ives,
A selection from Essays Before a Sonata
Franz Liszt,
A selection from The Life of Chopin
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A selection from The Letters Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Eugene O’Neill,
A selection from The Hairy Ape
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
A selection from the book, Principles of Orchestration
Konstantin Stanislavski,
A selection from My Life in Art
August Strindberg,
The Play, The Stronger
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
A selection from Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony
Richard Wagner,
A selection from On Conducting Arts/Visual Arts
Walter Benjamin
A selection from The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy,
The Interpretation of Symbols
Salvador Dalí
A selection from The Secret Life of Salvador Dali
Paul Gauguin,
A selection from Noa-Noa
Vincent van Gogh,
A selection from van Gogh's Letters
Wassily Kandinsky,
A selection from Concerning the Spiritual in Art
Leonardo da Vinci
A selection from The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Selected Sonnets on Art & the Artist
Pablo Picasso,
A selection from Picasso Speaks
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